Wednesday 9 December 2015

Texturing the Cottage

for this task we had to create a texture for a cottage mesh we were given. the mesh we were given had all of the UVs layed out for us all we had to do was create a normal map of the cottage and texture it. 

In the previous task we textured the door of the cottage, this was part of the cottage done and all we had to do was transfer the normals and texture onto the door in the cottage scene. 

Once the door was sorted out I then began creating the textures for different parts of the cottage, I started with the roof of the cottage mainly because I knew it was all going to be one texture and also it was the biggest UV set on the model. I wanted a tile effect on my roof and found a really nice simple texture. I created a normal map from the texture using crazy bump and applied it to my roof on the cottage. 

Once the roof was done i then looked at the main part of the building, i decided that i wanted the cottage to be a stone cottage with wooden beams. I got the Uv's for the main building and began to texture it accordingly.

I then textured the front and the back of the cottage, these too were going to be made from stone with the beams being wooden again. i used another wood texture for the beams on the front of the building because i thought that the front would be more presentable and stand out more. In the image below you can see that in the stone texture there is an orange square, this is the window of the cottage and later was used as an incandescence map, this allows for the light in the texture to be amplified and emit light.

I then created the texture for the pillars surrounding the cottage, i felt like this cottage could possibly be on grass of in some sort of muddy ground so i decided to create some mud splatters around the bottom of the pillars, i thought that this would give the cottage come context and really illustrate its surroundings. 

After i had created all of the textures for the cottage i added some lights into the scene and began rendering. I thought that i should add something into the scene that gives the cottage an environment so i got a sphere deleted half of the faces and added a grass texture to it giving the cottage a sense of being on a hill of some sort. 

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