Thursday 5 November 2015

Spellbook Modelling and Texturing

Spell Book Modelling and Texturing 

For this assignment we had to design, model and texture a spell book. this post shows how I have modeled my spell book and also how I have textured it. 

Simple cuboid to start off with.
I began modelling the spell book with a simple cuboid shape. I then used the edge loop tool in Maya to create some divisions which I could then extrude later. 

Extruded Inwards.
Once I extruded the faces inwards I was left with a shape that looked like some kind of book. this would create the ridge of the book and also the pages that the cover would contain. 
I created a separate model for the latch that would hold the front and back covers together. this would be textured with a keyhole on the front that gave the illusion that the book was locked and belonged to the key holder. 

I then Layed out the UV's for the spell book by using an automatic mapping tool, this tool sets 6 planes around an object to capture the UV's of each side of the spell book. Below are the UV's that the automatic mapping tool layed out for me. As I thought these weren't too hard to understand and texture I decided to use these instead of rearranging the UV's and using a Planar map instead. 

Once I had created a snapshot of the UV's that had been layed out I took the Jpeg Image of the UV's into Photoshop; its here where i will texture the UV's accordingly. At first I wasn't entirely sure what UV's belonged to which part of the book. So I decided to create labels for each part of the UV on Photoshop as you can see below. 

I then applied the texture to the model in Maya 2016, this let me see if anything in the texture needed re-positioning, the keyhole on the latch was in the wrong place when I originally applied the texture. 

Once I had re-positioned the new texture I then applied it again and these are the results:

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