Sunday 24 April 2016

Life Drawings

Life Drawings

For part of this module we have to do a series of drawings/observations of the human body, each Wednesday we had a life drawing class where someone from the public most likely a nude model would come and do a series of poses for us to draw.

Life Drawing was helpful to know how the human body looks in different positions and also how the structure of the body can be drawn differently to show different assets.

In the first week we began drawing a male model, this was a shock at first however it was really helpful as i could really see the structure of the models body and also how the human body changed shape in different poses. Here are a couple of images that i have taken of my art work during the first few week..

For the first few drawings we did we were tasked with just 2 minutes to draw the model however we then changed poses and also changed how long we got to draw the model for. The more finished drawings were the ones that we got a lot more time for as i could focus on different parts of the body and how the looked from the model. 

For our second model we were again tasked with the different times however this model had something unique about them as we began drawing we could clearly see an abdominal scar.. this didnt change the way we drew him however gave us a more interesting approach to the model. In these images i wanted to forget the scar and draw the model as i would anyone else so in the images below the model has no scar. 

Our third model that we had was a female model, i really enjoyed drawing our female model as i felt alot more confident in my drawing and also the female body has alot more curves, this means that i can create shapes that i see in the body and not worry about how rigid they look. I think my drawings from the Male model dont compare to the ones of the female model. I felt like it didnt matter how my drawings looked and that my proportions were more accurate. 

These were the only drawings i though were finished on the female model. On the last two images you can see that the model has lines across her body; these are called contour lines. contour lines show the curvature of the body and also which parts of the body are where just like contour lines on a geographical map when it shows a mountain etc.

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